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municipal office中文是什么意思

用"municipal office"造句"municipal office"怎么读"municipal office" in a sentence


  • 市楼


  • Xiamen municipal office , state administration taxation xiamen local taxation bureau
  • In 1565 he was chosen as an alderman , and in 1568 he held the chief municipal office , that of high bailiff
  • Issued by municipal office " kazei shomei " or " jumin nozei shomei " . 2 . issued by tax office " nozei shomei - no . 1 2 each document must have " yearly income "
    指由日本市区町村等政府部门出具的课税证明书或住民税纳税证明书,或者由税务署出具的纳税证明书分1 , 2两联
  • Following the approving of baotou municipal bureau of environmental protection and baotou municipal office of rare earth , baotou jintai rare earth co . , ltd was set up in 1999 and went into production in february , 2000 . it lies in the north of 761th km on no . 110 country road . jintai has a rare earth separation line with a capacity of 3000 ton rare earth cholride per year and enable to produce oxides , carbonates and chlorides of lanthanum , cerium and neodimium , rare earth chloride rich la and ce , rare earth carbonate rich la and ce , samarium - euranium - gadolinium concentrate and rare earth chloride poor zn and mg
  • From february to august 2000 , nayang municipal institute of cultural relics and archaeology excavated two burials of the qin dynasty at the site of nanyang municipal office for housing removing program , yielding several bronze vessels of the qin dy nasty and providing valuable materials for studying burial customs and other aspects of the qin culture
    2000年2月- 8月,南阳市文物考古研究所为配合基本建设在南阳市拆迁办工地发掘秦基2座,出土秦代铜器数件,为南阳地区秦代埋葬风俗及秦文化的研究提供了宝贵的实物资料。
用"municipal office"造句  


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